
Delegasi FK UB berhasil sabet 5 medali pada ajang RMO 11-15 Juli 2022 di Universitas Pattimura, Ambon

  • Oleh Master User
  • 19 Jul, 2022

RMO (Regional Medical Olympiad) 2022

      RMO (Regional Medical Olympiad) tahun ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 – 15 Juli 2022 oleh Universitas Pattimura, Ambon dengan tema “Thrive In Challenges and Be A Smart Future Doctor”. RMO 2022 diselenggarakan secara offline di Ambon sejak babak penyisihan hingga puncak finalnya. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya mengirimkan 12 orang delegasinya sebagai perwakilan dalam mengikuti 6 cabang olimpiade RMO 2022 dengan rincian 2 orang di setiap cabangnya.

      Para delegasi FK UB tiba di Ambon pada tanggal 11 Juli 2022 untuk mengikuti agenda pertama RMO 2022 yaitu Welcoming Party di Hotel Santika. Kemudian, hari kedua RMO 2022 diisi dengan agenda babak penyisihan bagi para peserta, yaitu berupa Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) yang hasilnya diumumkan pada hari itu juga. Hasil menyatakan bahwa seluruh tim dari Universitas Brawijaya berhasil lanjut ke babak berikutnya dan akan mengikuti babak semifinal tahap 1 di hari itu juga. Masih di hari yang sama, delegasi yang lolos ke babak semifinal melanjutkan kompetisinya yaitu dengan mengerjakan Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) dengan tingkat kesulitan yang lebih tinggi.

      Keesokan harinya yaitu hari ketiga acara, para delegasi melaksanakan babak semifinal tahap 2, yaitu berupa OSCE. Hasil dari babak semifinal akan diumumkan pada hari itu juga. Hasil menyatakan bahwa kelima Tim dari Universitas Brawijaya berhasil lanjut ke babak berikutnya, kecuali Tim cabang Infeksi Tropis. Kompetisi dilanjutkan dengan para delegasi yang lolos ke final melakukan pengerjaan SOCA-PH dan melakukan presentasi serta tanya jawab dengan juri. Keesokan harinya di hari keempat, para peserta yang sebelumnya sudah lolos ke babak final melaksanakan lomba cepat tepat (LCT). Setelah seluruh agenda lomba selesai, RMO 2022 ditutup dengan kegiatan Farewell Party untuk seluruh delegasi yang dilaksanakan pada malam hari keempat. Pada saat awarding, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya berhasil memperoleh Juara 3 Cabang Kardiorespirasi, Juara 3 Cabang Genitourinari, Juara 3 Cabang Digestif, Juara 3 Cabang Neuropsikiatri, dan Juara 3 Cabang Muskuloskeletal. Untuk menutup perlombaan dan menambah kenangan, RMO 2022 diakhiri dengan kegiatan Talkshow dan City Tour mengelilingi Ambon sebelum para delegasi kembali ke daerah asalnya masing-masing.

      This year's RMO (Regional Medical Olympiad) was held on 11-15th July 2022 by Pattimura University, Ambon with the theme "Thrive In Challenges and Be A Smart Future Doctor". RMO 2022 was held offline in Ambon from the preliminary round to the final round. The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya sent 12 delegates as representatives in participating in 6 branches of the 2022 RMO Olympics with details of 2 people in each branch.

      UB Medical Faculty delegates arrived in Ambon on July 11th, 2022 to take part in the first agenda of RMO 2022, namely the Welcoming Party at Hotel Santika. Then, the second day of RMO 2022 was filled with an agenda for the preliminary round for the participants, namely in the form of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), the results of which were announced on the same day. The results stated that all teams from Universitas Brawijaya managed to advance to the next round and will take part in the semifinal stage 1 on the same day. Still on the same day, the delegates who passed to the semifinals continued their competition by working on the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) with a higher level of difficulty.

      The next day, which is the third day of the event, the delegates carried out the semi-final stage 2, which was in the form of the OSCE. The results of the semifinals will be announced on the same day. The results stated that the five teams from Brawijaya University managed to advance to the next round, except for the Tropical Infection branch team. The competition continued with the delegates who passed to the finals doing SOCA-PH work and making presentations and asking questions with the judges. The next day on the fourth day, the participants who had previously qualified for the final round carried out a fast-paced competition (LCT). After the entire competition agenda was completed, RMO 2022 was closed with a Farewell Party activity for all delegates which was held on the evening of the fourth day. At the time of awarding, the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya succeeded in getting 3rd place in Cardiorespiratory Branch, 3rd Place in Genitourinary Branch, 3rd Place in Digestive, 3rd Place in Neuropsychiatry, and 3rd Place in Musculoskeletal Branch. To close the competition and add memories, RMO 2022 ended with a Talkshow and City Tour activities around Ambon before the delegates returned to their respective areas of origin.