
Tim delegasi FK UB berhasil memperoleh juara 1

  • Oleh Master User
  • 19 Nov, 2022

The 8th SPORA FK UNSRI 2022

      The 8th Scientific Project and Olympiad of Sriwijaya Year of 2022 atau SPORA FK UNSRI 2022 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 Oktober – 5 November 2022 oleh Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang dengan tema “Upgrading Knowledge and Resources on Facing the Recent Raise of Respiratory Disease’s Global Impact”. SPORA FK UNSRI 2022 diselenggarakan secara daring dan luring di Fakultas kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang. Pada tahun ini, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya mengirimkan 1 tim delegasi untuk cabang Medical Olympiad atau olimpiade kedokteran di bidang Respirasi. Tim delegasi tersebut terdiri atas 2 orang, terdiri Muhammad Yusuf dari Pendidikan Dokter 2019 serta Ivena Leonita dari Pendidikan Dokter 2019.

      Delegasi FK UB melakukan kegiatan technical meeting pada tanggal 9 Oktober 2022 secara daring pukul 08.00 hingga pukul 09.30 WIB. Setelah itu pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2022, para delegasi melakukan babak preliminary stage. Babak ini dimulai dengan agenda registrasi pada pukul 07.00 dilanjutkan dengan agenda utama, Preliminary Stage A, pada pukul 08.30 lalu Preliminary Stage B pada pukul 10.30 WIB. Stage A terdiri atas babak multiple choice question (MCQ) di mana delegasi mengerjakan sebanyak 120 soal. Stage B terdiri atas babak Objective Structured Practical Examination di mana delegasi mengerjakan soal-soal praktikum sebanyak 20 stase yang tiap stasenya mengandung 2 buah soal. Selanjutnya, pada tanggal 12 Oktober 2022 diumumkan hasil tahap preliminary dan delegasi FK UB mendapat peringkat 1.

      Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan Semifinal Stage pada tanggal 3 November 2022 secara luring di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. Babak ini didahului oleh opening party dan technical meeting yang dilaksanakan pada 3 Oktober 2022 mulai pukul 18.00 – 21.30. Selanjutnya Semifinal Stage berlangsung pada 4 Oktober dalam dua babak yaitu Semifinal Stage A yang berlangsung pada pukul 07.30 - 11.00 WIB dan Semifinal Stage B pada pukul 13.30 - 14.15 WIB. Semifinal stage A terdiri atas ujian Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), sedangkan Stage B merupakan tahap running question di mana peserta disuguhkan 40 soal MCQ yang masing-masing soal harus dijawab dalam waktu 40 detik. Pada tahap ini, delegasi FK UB tetap mendapatkan peringkat 1 dan melaju ke final.

      Delegasi FK UB kemudian mengikuti babak final pada tanggal 4 November 2022. Agenda ini diawali dengan persiapan delegasi pada pukul 06.00 - 07.00 WIB dilanjutkan dengan sarapan, pengkondisian peserta, serta pengumuman finalis. Setelah itu, pada pukul 08.00 dilakukan Final stage (SOCA - PH) serta seminar. Setelah itu, para delegasi melakukan final stage (Lomba Cepat Tepat) pada pukul 10.00 hingga pukul 11.30. Kegiatan SPORA FK UNSRI 2022 ditutup dengan farewell party dan awarding night yang berlangsung pada pukul 19.00 WIB. Delegasi FK UB berhasil memperoleh juara 1, disusul tim Universitas Lambung Mangkurat di peringkat 2, Universitas Diponegoro di peringkat 3, dan Universitas Airlangga di peringkat 4.

      The 8th Scientific Project and Olympiad of Sriwijaya Year of 2022 or SPORA FK UNSRI 2022 was held on 16 October - 5 November 2022 by Sriwijaya University, Palembang with the theme "Upgrading Knowledge and Resources on Facing the Recent Raise of Respiratory Disease's Global Impact". SPORA FK UNSRI 2022 will be held online and offline at the Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University, Palembang. This year, the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya sent 1 team of delegates for the Medical Olympiad branch or medical Olympiad in the field of Respiration. The delegation team consisted of 2 people, consisting of Muhammad Yusuf from the 2019 Medical Education and Ivena Leonita from the 2019 Medical Education.

      The UB FK delegation conducted technical meeting activities on October 9, 2022 online from 08.00 to 09.30 WIB. After that, on October 16 2022, the delegates held the preliminary stage. This round begins with the registration agenda at 07.00 followed by the main agenda, Preliminary Stage A, at 08.30 and then Preliminary Stage B at 10.30 WIB. Stage A consists of a multiple choice question (MCQ) round in which delegates work on 120 questions. Stage B consists of an Objective Structured Practical Examination round in which delegates work on 20 practicum questions, each of which contains 2 questions. Furthermore, on October 12 2022 the results of the preliminary stage were announced and the UB FK delegation was ranked 1st.

      The activity continued with the Semifinal Stage on November 3, 2022 offline at the Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University. This round was preceded by the opening party and technical meeting which will be held on 3 October 2022 from 18.00 – 21.30. Furthermore, the Semifinal Stage will take place on October 4 in two rounds, namely Semi-Final Stage A which will take place at 07.30 - 11.00 WIB and Semi-Final Stage B at 13.30 - 14.15 WIB. Stage A semifinal consists of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) exam, while Stage B is a running question stage where participants are presented with 40 MCQ questions, each of which must be answered within 40 seconds. At this stage, the UB FK delegation still gets 1st place and advances to the final.

      The UB FK delegation will then take part in the final round on November 4 2022. This agenda begins with the preparation of the delegation at 06.00 - 07.00 WIB followed by breakfast, conditioning the participants, and the announcement of the finalists. After that, at 08.00 the Final stage (SOCA - PH) and seminar were held. After that, the delegates carried out the final stage (Quick Accurate Race) at 10.00 to 11.30. The 2022 FK UNSRI SPORA activities were closed with a farewell party and awarding night which took place at 19.00 WIB. The UB FK delegation won 1st place, followed by the Lambung Mangkurat University team in 2nd place, Diponegoro University in 3rd place, and Airlangga University in 4th place.